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The better YOU is waiting


We are so glad you are here

Here at Fab Performance we are building better people through movement and science



The Only Training You’ll Ever Need

Welcome to our premier Sports Performance and Fitness page. 


We are dedicated to helping athletes and individuals at all levels reach their potential.

From professional athletes to recreational gym-goers, we provide the best in sport performance and fitness. 

What is "Movement" to us?

Movement should be whole, not part, fluid, not rigid. At fab performance we pride ourselves in making efficient movers and athletes. As a part of our main slogan "making better people through movement and science", we believe everyone deserves to move wholly, and fluid. We take action in our programming and coaching to make sure this happens. We have a comprehensive approach to movement that emphasizes quality, efficiency and safety. As movement specialist we should take time to identify and address movement in all areas. And we believe our extensive knowledge in anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, allows us to better understand how the body moves, and by understanding the body's movement system we can improve the quality of movement of each individual we touch.

What is our "Science"

At Fab Performance, we believe that sport science is essential for performance enhancement. Our mission is to "make better people through movement and science," and we strive to use our knowledge of sport science initiatives to impact our clients in the most profound ways possible. At Fab performance we utilize neuro-biology and brain chemistry/neurotransmitters to help athletes reach their peak performance. We understand that the body is a complex system and that it needs to be approached holistically in order to maximize performance. By utilizing our expertise in sport and performance science, we can identify and address movement dysfunctions, improve the quality of movement, motivation for movement, recover and adapt more efficiently, and ultimately help athletes reach their full potential.

Essential Items

Lets get stronger together

Salt Lake City, UT, USA

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